If you have five minutes to spare, you must visit this web site (TED) and just listen to the beautiful music created by a very talented young lady. When she started playing, I felt so calm and relaxed. It is incredible how talented some people are in this world. I read about this person's performance in an email. Here is a part of that email.
(email excerpt)
Jennifer Lin is a fourteen-year-old pianist from southern California.
She began her presentation by playing two very difficult classical
pieces; to my untrained ears, she sounded as good as any professional
performer two or three times her age.
It was her third piece that brought the house down. She announced
that she would like to improvise a song... and asked an audience
member to select five notes, at random, from the C scale. She got
the sequence C, G, B, A, E.
Fourteen years old, with a live audience of 800 adults awaiting a
brand new piece of music, based on a theme of five notes just handed
to her. She had ten seconds to prepare.
[You can find the music, slide slow and a world of inspiration by accessing "Magic moments from TED2004".]
-original column
[comments: by the way, doesn't Goldie Hawn look absolutely fabulous??!!!]
(from Mark Hurst@Good Experience.com)
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