I guess some people on the far-right side of the GOP have no conscience. Nor do they care about the 9-year girl who was just gunned down in Arizona. I honestly believe that in order for the GOP to truly win the hearts of the country, people like Mansour and Palin must be thrown out of the party. The GOP big-tent should not allow bigots, racists, gun-toting killers, kill-thy-opponents, etc. Let Mansour, Palin and their ilk form their own natioal party and stay there.
And where is Fox News? Should they continue paying obscene amounts of cash to Palin? Do they really want people like her followers and aides running the republic? I think not.
It is time to bring civility back to politics. Unless the Tea Party wants to continue burying 9-year girls.
(Rebecca Mansour: Sarah Palin Aide - Crosshairs)
Vote in 2012: Send Hate to the Back of the Bus.
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