Excuse me? Can anyone explain why Suu Kyi was arrested? And why was she sentenced to 18 months in detention? Is there any reason why the troops with Blue Helmets do not have boots on the ground in the country?
Our children and their children will ask why our generation allowed such an injustice could exist at the start of the 21st Century. I don't know how I will explain to my future grandchildren. It is so sad that the ASEAN members stand on the sidelines and do nothing. Should they not talk to country's military leaders and ask them to release her? Why are the ASEAN states so afraid? What are they afraid of? For the life of me, I do not know the reason.
Let's hope the EU (27 Member States) can do something that the rest of APAC is unwilling to do. Or will China stand up and take the initiative to become truly a global leader? I don't know if they have the strength of do such a thing.
Well, if the EU and China are unwilling, let me call upon Prime Minister S. Harper to step up to the microphone and denounce the sentence and make moves to free Suu Kyi.
And for the country's main trading partners (China, India and Thailand), please do more to set her free. Please.
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