I could not help but watch the stock ticker all day long. Down. Down. Down. Down. The Nikkei fell so quickly, I got a nosebleed watching. Luckily, our company's share price did not take a huge hit today. Thank the Lord for saving us. Let's pray that He doesn't come back next week and take our share price down.
So glad that I did not head to Wall Street or Otemachi for a mid-career change. Where would I be now?? Lost in Tokyo.
I'll have to wait a long while now to recoup my horrendous amount of losses in the market this month. Ouch, my head is still pounding from the big bump I have from hitting my head against my desk at work. Bang. Bang. Bang. Why didn't I sell last year? What the f'ck was I thinking about? For the love of God, what is happening?
Perhaps, we can blame the Russians for this crash.
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