Gov. Sarah Palin is taking the US into very dangerous territory. She is stoking the fires of yet another race war. And this time, she plans on taking no prisoners. Palin has issued marching (goose-step) order to her troops. Take the fight to the enemies (supporters of minorities). Hunt them down wherever they might be. Kill them if necessary. And the sad fact is "the US is sitting quietly on the sidelines as the racists are taking over the country". The only solution: move to Canada.
Come all ye' faithful. Canada will open its border to all those who believe in 'equality for all', 'freedom of speech', 'freedom to practice any religion or no religion' and above all, 'belief in goodness in mankind'. All of these rights are no longer held true by the extreme-right wing of the GOP (or shall I say 'the New GOP under Sarah Palin).
I believe Ronald Reagan must be turning over in his grave. He would be sickened by what has happened to his party. It's time to send Palin back to Alaska where she belongs. And should she continue to support a separate and independent Alaska, send in the federal police and arrest her fat ass for treason and sedition. Lock her up for 100 years and let her look out the window of her cell and admire the view of Russia.
Let us all pray to God that the US will send Obama and Biden to the White House and banish those false prophets such as Palin to the woodshed.
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