Omigosh. He wants complete control over $700B. He does not want anyone questioning his decisions. He wants everyone to trust him. Wow!
In 2005, I saw him grace the halls of Roppongi Hills. He walked right past me. My first thoughts: He sure is tall! My second thought was - what the heck is he doing in town? Looking back to three years ago, Hank Paulson is just a mere mortal. He may have some grand scheme on how to save the US economy but, if it were I who had to give someone complete control over my life, I would not choose him. I do believe he can steer the economy but, I only worry that once the bill is passed it will be GW/Dick Cheney and their greedy backers who will ultimately control the $700B. And to the US citizenry, I hope that is where the line in the sand is drawn. Enough. No more. No more. If the GOP greedy group get their way, you can bet a gazillion bucks that the full $700B will end in some Swiss bank accounts and paying to house some very expensive hookers in Paris for GOPers travelling to Europe on their new private jets purchased by US taxpayers.
Let's hope the Dems have the stomach and the balls to challenge the White House on this one. If the White House wins, you may as well line up the next trillion dollars for the next month.
Note to Hank Paulson: Are you out of your fricking mind?
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