One can only wonder whether this strategist (I use the term loosely because he sounds more like a .... well, I would rather not say because he may one day sic his lawyers after me) is secretly a member of the white supremacy group/Southern States Secession Group. For someone to think a person born in the state of Hawaii is less of an American than someone born in Iowa or Arkansas is beyond me. And what about his attack of Obama's suggested less than Christian beliefs. Does Penn really think a true Christian would think along the same lines as Penn? Only a person who lives with blinders on would not see the new America. Perhaps, Penn secretly wants the US to revert back to the 1950s. Separate but equal. Blacks at the back of the bus. Blacks using separate entrances. We should ask Penn whether he wishes to rewrite history of the past 100 years?
Please for the love of God, can someone please put a dirty sock into Penn's mouth? And please some doing business with an un-American. If the Clintons have any sense of decency left, please tell Penn is go to hell. And tell him he can get his money for services rendered from his own kind of friends.
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