I have been reassigned to another department effective 7 July 2008. Actually, the reassignment is something I am looking forward to doing. My current assignment is very rewarding but, the career prospects are quite limited. With my new, or shall I say, reassignment, I have a new opportunity to put my career back on track.
For the past several years, I have been stuck on the proverbial treadmill. Never going forward but, always running as fast as I could just to stay in the same place. The new/shared posting will ensure that I work even longer hours. I have been currently working over 80 hours of overtime per month for the past 2 years. From next Monday, the amount of overtime will go up considerably. I forsee over 100 hours of OT per month for the next 6-12 months. Yup, life sure sucks.
I have been told that I am going to be doing 2 jobs for the salary of 1. So, you got to figure over 14 hours days now. Lunch? Forget about it. No way. Lunch is going to be a pack of cookies and a bottle of H20. I only wish that the cafeteria could deliver. And what the heck is happening with Google and their new position of concierge? I wish my company offered the same level of services. Gee, life sure would be much better if someone could run some errands for me from time to time.
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