Well, it looks like the YHOO shareholders (aka 'institutional investors') want their payday and they want it quickly. If MSFT is willing to bid $31, then they must be willing to increase their bid to, let's say - $36, right? I expect the shareholders are willing to throw the entire YHOO board of directors and Jerry Yang under the 'proverbial bus', in order to get their money out of YHOO.
Here is what I expect to happen very soon at Sunnyvale:
1.) Jerry Yang resigns as CEO and director.
2.) David Filo announces his soon-to-be departure.
3.) More Yahooers begin updating and sending out their CVs.
4.) Private equity firms set up an 'information booth' across the street from Yahoo! Center.
5.) Filo returns to Stanford.
6.) Jerry joins a VC firm as partner.
7.) Yahoo! ceases to exist.
8.) Investment bankers and advisors throw the biggest 'Deal Closing Dinner Party' complete with 'special entertainment/entertainers' and lots of 'treats'.
Good-bye Yahoo. Thanks for the memories.
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