Read article.
First, let me say this: "I strongly believe that the extreme right wing (ERW) of the GOP is doing its best to ruin the rest of GW's remaining years in office. The ERWGOPers want Bush and Cheney to be lame ducks. And what, do you ask, is the reason?
The ERWGOPers are mad as hell that Bush and Cheney are not pushing through the ERWGOP political/religious agenda through Congress. And what might that agenda be? Well, I have not seen the secret memos or have been privy to those backroom talks and/or deals. So, all I can do is speculate. And here is what I think is on the 'LIST for a NEW CONSERVATIVE AMERICA'.
01. The rich stay rich and/or get wealthier and the poor can F*ck O*&.
02. Overturn Roe v. Wade.
03. Blacks lose their right to vote.
04. Illegal immigrants are pushed back across the border or pushed into the ocean (Pacific or Atlantic).
05. The US Supreme Court of Justice is disbanded.
06. The UN is evicted from NYC and the USA withdraws its membership.
07. The USA ceases all foreign aid unless the receiver nation agrees to stop 'family planning', 'distribution of condoms', 'permitting non-Christian activities', and 'criticizing the US in public'.
08. Separate but equal is the new 'mantra' for the New Republic.
09. Fox News Channel is the only television/cable broadcast permitted; all others are hereby deemed evil and must be shut down.
10. Freedom of the Press and Speech is outlawed.
That is what I suspect the ERWGOPers are unhappy about and that is why they are tanking GW and his administration now.
Now, the solution: GW should fire Cheney. GW must yank his presidency back to the centre of the political spectrum and look deep into his heart and do what is right for the country. No more pandering to the ERW. No more pushing the Conservative/Extreme Right Religious Agenda.
There are a few more years left and I hope GW will ask his father to take the slot of VP and together they can pull a win (the mid-terms and the 2008 race) for the GOP. [Hint: Fire Karl Rove.]
And by the way, do a much stronger background check on the staffers. What the heck happened? How did the GOP allow pedophiles to be gainfully employed by the federal government? WTF?
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