Love it! All the checks & balances. No longer will any federal political party have carte blance control over OUR taxes and lives. This is the way God wanted politics to be played out. Politicians reaching across the aisle to work together. Politicians listening to all the voices of the country and not just the 'ASSHOLE RICH' and their stupid lobbyists. I don't know how long Harper's minority government will last: his reign as PM depends on how well he can bring the country together. If Harper brings out any extreme-right-leaning programmes, I hope his coalition partners sink his government. And so they should.
Canadians are tired of being forced to live like 2nd class citizens. Why doesn't the federal government put more money into schooling? Health? Job training? Language programs? Stop all this 'here and now' thinking and start 'thinking of the future Canada we will leave for our children and their children'. So, here is my advice to Stephen Harper - "Bring Canada together." That is your only job. A united Canada is a stronger one.
Read The Globe and Mail.
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