Can any politican explain why the world needs to have 'diplomatic relations' with a country that tolerates and promotes violence against women? And how can any Christian nation wish to engage a country such as Pakistan where 'rape against women' is deemed an 'act of honour'? Can any politican explain this to me?
In my opinion, the War on Terror is not worth the price of allowing a country of bullies to rape, kill, torture and ridicule women. I sure hope the Republican-controlled Congress deals with this travesty of global politics before it is too late. How can all the 'so-called' Christians in Congress condone having any diplomatic and military ties to Pakistan??? Is there something wrong in the 'State Department'?
C'mon Dr. Rice. It is time for you to take a stand against the violence against women in Pakistan. Don't do it because you are a woman. Don't do it because you are a Republican. Just do it because it is the right thing to do. Wouldn't it be better to look at yourself in the mirror every morning knowing that you 'did' make a difference during your 'WATCH'?
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