I can see religious groups going 'ape-shit' (sorry for the use of the pun) as yet another scientific discovery shows man's evolution from ape. Why do certain religious groups deny the fact that man has evolved from another species? Don't you think God had mankind descend from apes in order for us to learn as we evolved? He wanted mankind to take thousands of years to learn. Also, perhaps, God is sending us a warning that should mankind continue to play 'war games' on the planet, He might just wipe mankind off the face of the Earth and start again and next time - no evolution!
Looking at the photo of the skull in the NY Times, I wonder if he is an ancestor of mine.
(NY Times: Fossil Skull)
While I am on this rant today, do you think religious groups want to deny the fact that 'science' has enabled man to fly in the sky? Put man on the moon? Or is God so busy ferrying huge metal planes from one airport to another. And does God pick up all rockets in Florida and then, guide them into space?
God is strong and powerful. He had man evolve from apes. Why He did this, I don't know. If I ever get the chance to ask Him, I will make sure to remember.
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