Kinda sad that the U.S. State Department may be 'turning a blind eye' to a rapidly growing problem of Royal Saudis abusing their domestic help, or should I use the term, "slave". No matter. If the USA cares more about 'greasing the wheels of oil' by allowing the Saudis to get away with abuse and, perhaps, much worse, then Uncle Sam should put out a global warning to domestic help workers: "Lest ye' wish to be beaten up by your masters, do not come to the US and work for the Saudis."
It's too bad, ya know. I thought the US government would put human rights of everyone above the rights of the Saudis. Go figure. Guess I will have to tell anyone who is willing to listen not to take up gainful (oops, I mean painful) employment with them in the USA.
(Gateway Pundit: Saudis beat their domestic help)
(Michelle Malkin: When Saudi Princesses Attack)
Malkin's title reminds me of Fox Channel's entertainment show, "Animals Gone Wild" or something like that. In the show, people are shown being attacked by wild animals. Yikes.! Heaven help us all!
(Gulf Times: Maid in Critical State After Abuse)
(Boston Herald: $1M Bond - Is that all??)
A million bucks. Not much. It's probably what the woman spends on furniture for her bathroom.
Now, should I feel sorry for the abuser? I mean, the US has so many different laws. There is no way any foreigner could hope to keep up with all of them, right? Am I right here? I mean how would I come to understand that I, as a domestic help employer, could not "BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF A SERVANT"?? Is there a manual for rich people on the rights of the "domestic help"? Does it say anywhere that "I" the employer could not just "RAPE" the domestic help?
C'mon folks. I guess the world is so twisted if one "race" of people think they can treat another race of people less than humanely. Sad - very sad.
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