What kind of slime lawyer is going to defend Brian Nichols? What will be their defense? Wait, I can see it now. Brian Nichols was running from a lifetime of cruel and inhumane punishment: prison.
As such, his defense attorney will plead that Nichols should not face any further charges for murdering the judge, officers of the court, and other innocent bystanders. Nor should Nichols be charged with pistol-whipping another man.
Ladies and gentlemen of the world, this is why we must have capital punishment for the most heinous crimes. Here is a person who has no compassion nor does he show any remorse for gunning down innocents.
By the way, what's up with the 'white flag'? Here's a guy who kills people without a second thought and then, he gives up his weapon? What happened to all that blaze and glory? The SWAT guys should have taken him out. End of story. No need for a criminal trial. Save the good folks of Georgia a couple of million dollars. Money for the trial could have gone to the victim's families.
What do you think? Death penalty? Or a life of ease and comfort in a maximum security prison facility? Any other suggestions?
(NY Times: White flag - ha! ha!)
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