Need I say anymore? (Read Murder Suspect) Why is the US so compassionate when it comes to criminals? Isn't it better that those people who have a strong desire to prey on the weak be sent to prison for the rest of their lives? If parole boards are so keen on letting the dangerous elements of society back onto the streets, perhaps we can let the parolees live with them. Wouldn't that be much better?
Death penalty sure sounds good right about now!
Excerpts from new article in NY The SUN:
It is unclear at what point Fleming might have acquired the alleged murder weapon, a .357 Taurus revolver.
"Carrying a gun is clearly a violation," Ms. Halbrook said.
Normally, such violations, including breaking his curfew and moving, would send a paroled convict to an administrative law judge to rule on his case, Mr. Steinhardt said.
Instead, the alleged violations by Fleming went undetected - at a time when the parole officers union has been complaining that unnecessary paperwork keeps officers from doing their job properly.
"You can't take what a parolee says at face value. You have to free parole officers up so they can do their job," Ms. Halbrook said. "This is a system-wide problem."
The Division of Parole has maintained that such paperwork is critical to the officers' job and does not have the effect of compromising public safety.
Fleming and four other teenagers were picked up for questioning Sunday night after police received tips from the public about the case, which was widely publicized. Two of the four were charged with attempted robbery in a related case the same night, but were not charged in the duFresne slaying. The remaining two are considered witnesses, police said. The 14-year-old girl who was charged with murder was taken to police in Brooklyn on Monday by her mother, according to the Associated Press.
Whatever will happen to the other teenagers involved in the case? Will they receive a light 'slap on the wrist' and get out of juvenile hall with a 'hand gun' and a couple of hundred dollars? Gee, for Chrissakes - society cannot save them!
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