Honestly, if the Kansas Attorney General is so interested in protecting the rights of the unborn, he should petition the state legislature or Congress to set up "Baby Farms". Here's how it would work in a 'Orwellian-twisted World'.
Each month, the state would conduct mandatory testing for all women of child-bearing age. If a woman is found to be pregnant, she would immediately be sent off to a 'Baby Farm'. The Baby Farm would be a maximum security facility with the sole aim of the facility to ensure that each and every unborn child see the light of day. As such, the state of Kansas could guarantee the rights of every unborn child. (Even women who have been raped would be subject to the new laws of the state. Ditto goes for incest. Double ditto for underage pregnancies. - the abortion opponents want to secure the rights of the unborn - never forget their position.)
Does this seem so far-fetched? Don't you think once abortion opponents get their people in all the higher political offices that this won't occur? Let's get real folks. By setting up 'Baby Farms' so-called 'concerned advocates' of the unborn could in fact, ensure the 'birth of perfect babies'. I'll let you the reader determine what 'perfect babies' might mean in the grand scheme of things. (I can only think of one period in modern history when a state wanted to ensure the birth of perfect babies.)
Women in the state of Kansas should be thinking about moving to a more friendlier state for women's rights. Or better yet, move to Canada. Up in Canada, there is no way any politician would advocate such a position being supported by the Kansas Attorney General. Well, I am not too sure about Stephen Harper and his friends but, I can vouch for the majority of Canadians.
Should people be worried about politicians such as A.G. Phill Kline???
(NY Times: A.G. wants access to private medical records)
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