Dear "The Triumvirate":
Do no evil? What about it now guys? I sure love your company but, for the life of me, I do not understand why you dismissed Mark Jen for blogging about your company. For Chrissakes, everyone in the world knows what happens inside your company. From news articles, magazines articles, interviews, etc. I did not learn anything new from Mark's blog. Not one thing. So, why the dismissal?
Don't get me wrong - I love using your search engine. I love using Gmail. I am a fan of your company. I'm sure I'll start using Keyhole one day. Heck, I even used Blogger before it was given away to the masses for free.
Here's a hypo for you (call it one of your trick questions from your day-long interviews): A Google employee is having a severe personal crisis and seeks mental health services via a pyschologist/psychiatrist. At his/her session, the patient talks about the company. Does this constitute 'grounds for dismissal'? If not, why not? Now, let's say the mental health practitioner writes a book about his/her many years of practice and talks about 'what goes on inside Google' - would your company go on a 'Witch hunt' to find the 'Loose Lips Googler'? If not, why not?
C'mon guys! Let's get real - write up a set of regs for your employees and let them blog. Gee, what the hell did you buy Blogger for anyway?
(Gelf Magazine: Interview with Fired Google Blogger)
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