Gee, I feel horrible.... My blog is worth very little according to Blogshares. (See Blogshares.)
I wonder how I can get more traffic to my site: Here are some wacky ideas/blog themes.
Top 10 Groovy Ideas
10. Write only about US politics and bash one of the Presidential Candidates.
09. Turn my site into a quasi-porno expose of nightlife in Roppongi.
08. How about life as an English teacher in Japan?
07. Working in a Japanse company as a gaijin.
06. What I hate about being a foreigner in Japan
05. The world is about 1 minute from an all-out nuclear exchange.
04. Jerk-offs on the Internet who think they are God's gift to blogging.
03. What the world needs more is NOT love sweet love but MORE guns.
02. Capital punishment is the only way to deal with serious criminal acts.
01. Whatever happened of 'government of the people, by the people, for the people'???
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