Yikes! I didn't know that a typhoon was heading for Tokyo until my wife told me. Gee, I need to watch more Japanese news programmes instead of watching Yankee news. Last night I started watching the 9/11 Hearings with former Mayor Rudy's testimony. As I sat watching him, I could not help think that he would be a great person to have in the White House.
Oh, I'd better get back to the typhoon. According to the weatherman, the typhoon should hit Tokyo on the 21st. This means I had better allow for more commuting time than the normal 75 minutes. Also, I should pull out my rubber boots and vinyl jacket. Whenever a typhoon is heading for the Kanto Region (Greater Tokyo Region), commuters go nuts! It's like many people think a huge MFer tsunami is going to swallow up the entire metro area.
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