Wonderful expression: 'Train wrecks'. How about 'destruction of shareholder value'? Or what do you think about this cool sounding phrase 'hit below the belt'? Well, with mergers, no one can say 'with any degree of certainty' they will be a success. And if anyone does say so, be wary. Mergers are just another business strategy/corporate strategy/way to cut pension benefits/transfer wealth from one group to a handful of fat cats - otherwise known as the ol' boys clubs. Sorry for that bit of cynicism. [Tom Peters says in his new book, Re-imagine!, that he has no time for cynicism. Perhaps, I should follow his advice - well, that is once I make my first million dollars. Okay, I got burned on my investment into AOL TW. Yeah, call me a fool! I believed in their shtick. I believed in their financial projects. I loved their expansion plans. Everything looked good. I hope I can see get a few bucks out of the company before it is too late. I could sure use the money for school. (Related story.)
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